/PRNewswire/ -- School is almost out and children can't wait for summer, but it won't be long until you hear the famous, "I'm bored" from your little ones.
Studies show that without stimulation during the summer months, children can lose up to 60 percent of what they learned throughout the school year. Primrose Schools, a family of 200 accredited private preschools, suggests the key to overcoming summertime boredom and the "brain drain" effect is to encourage imaginative play and have a plan in place to keep children engaged during the summer months.
"It's important to keep children's minds active during the summer, but it doesn't take an expensive activity or big vacation to capture their attention," said Dr. Mary Zurn, Vice President of Education for Primrose. "After all, imagination is free."
Here are 10 ideas parents can use to keep young minds active this summer:
1. Banish the Boredom Jar: Encourage your children to share their own
ideas and help you decorate and label a simple jar as the family
"Banish the Boredom Jar."
2. Stories Alive: Make reading even more fun by finding ways to bring the
stories to life.
3. Art Treasure Chest: Put art supplies, empty oatmeal boxes, paper towel
rolls, and old magazines in a special box to help fuel your children's
creative juices.
4. Family Performances: Break out old clothes or costumes to create a
family play. Record the performances.
5. Fort Building: Let the imagination begin!
6. Cookbook Fun: Ask your children to choose a recipe from your favorite
cookbook and enjoy cooking together.
7. Summer Scrapbook: Encourage everyone in the family to draw pictures of
favorite activities and collect mementos throughout the summer.
8. Listening Game: Lie down in the backyard or den and listen. Talk about
what you hear.
9. Camping Out: Pretend to campout in the backyard.
10. Scavenger Hunt: Make a list or picture cards of common household items
and have your children find the items on the list.
"Keeping children engaged with open-ended activities that stretch their imaginations during the summer months helps them develop their independence, creativity, and thinking," said Dr. Zurn. "We want to help parents keep the 'brain drain' at bay while their children play."
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Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
North Fayette United Methodist Church Invites Children to the E.D.G.E.
All children, ages 4 years through 5th. grade, are invited to attend Camp E.D.G.E. Vacation Bible School at North Fayette United Methodist Church, 847 New Hope Road.
Camp E.D.G.E. will take place June 1 -5, each evening from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Camp E.D.G.E. takes your children to an extreme adventure camp where they Experience and Discover God Everywhere (E.D.G.E.)!
CAMP E.D.G.E. VBS is not your typical stroll through the woods. It's an action-packed, adrenaline-filled expedition that teaches kids that their strength and might come from God. Through rockin' contemporary music, larger-than-life recreation games, mind-boggling science activities, extreme sports videos, and cool, challenging crafts, your kids will learn how to live on the E.D.G.E. in their faith.
For more information on this no cost event, call 770-461-2409, or visit www.nfumc.com.
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Camp E.D.G.E. will take place June 1 -5, each evening from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Camp E.D.G.E. takes your children to an extreme adventure camp where they Experience and Discover God Everywhere (E.D.G.E.)!
CAMP E.D.G.E. VBS is not your typical stroll through the woods. It's an action-packed, adrenaline-filled expedition that teaches kids that their strength and might come from God. Through rockin' contemporary music, larger-than-life recreation games, mind-boggling science activities, extreme sports videos, and cool, challenging crafts, your kids will learn how to live on the E.D.G.E. in their faith.
For more information on this no cost event, call 770-461-2409, or visit www.nfumc.com.
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Friday, May 22, 2009
Clayton State Department of Recreation & Wellness Holding Little Lakers Recreation Day Camp in July
The Clayton State University Department of Recreation & Wellness will be holding its Inaugural Little Lakers Recreation Day Camp this July in the University’s new Student Athletic Center.
The camp will be a five-day, action-packed activity camp featuring team builders and a variety of recreational events, including dodgeball, kickball, volleyball, flag football and water balloon competitions. The campers will be split into two age groups -- a seven to 10 group (the Orange Lakers), and an 11 to 14 group (the Blue Lakers).
The camp will begin on Monday, July 13, and run through Friday, July 17. Each daily session will run from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The cost of the camp is $135 per child with options of early and/or late care available for an additional cost. Early care, which runs from 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 am, is $30. Late care, from 4:45 p.m. to 6 p.m., is also $30. A combination of both early and late care is $45.
For additional information please contact Camp Coordinator Hakim Groomes, Clayton State’s assistant director of Recreation & Wellness, at (678) 466-4973 or HakimGroomes@clayton.edu. Or go to http://adminservices.clayton.edu/intramurals/.
A unit of the University System of Georgia, Clayton State University is an outstanding comprehensive metropolitan university located 15 miles southeast of downtown Atlanta.
The camp will be a five-day, action-packed activity camp featuring team builders and a variety of recreational events, including dodgeball, kickball, volleyball, flag football and water balloon competitions. The campers will be split into two age groups -- a seven to 10 group (the Orange Lakers), and an 11 to 14 group (the Blue Lakers).
The camp will begin on Monday, July 13, and run through Friday, July 17. Each daily session will run from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The cost of the camp is $135 per child with options of early and/or late care available for an additional cost. Early care, which runs from 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 am, is $30. Late care, from 4:45 p.m. to 6 p.m., is also $30. A combination of both early and late care is $45.
For additional information please contact Camp Coordinator Hakim Groomes, Clayton State’s assistant director of Recreation & Wellness, at (678) 466-4973 or HakimGroomes@clayton.edu. Or go to http://adminservices.clayton.edu/intramurals/.
A unit of the University System of Georgia, Clayton State University is an outstanding comprehensive metropolitan university located 15 miles southeast of downtown Atlanta.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Fayette: Registration Open for Summer VBS at the Lighthouse Church
The Lighthouse Church has now opened registration for its summer Vacation Bible School “Crocodile Dock”. VBS will take place at 400 Windgate Road in Peachtree City (Peachtree City UMC’s Windgate Campus) on June 21 – 25 from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm each night. Visit www.lighthouseumc.net/vbs to register.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Summer Science is Fun
The University of West Georgia will offer IMPACT summer workshops that teach children science and mathematics in a fun and entertaining way through the Department of Continuing Education.
The summer sessions will offer a variety of weeklong courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics to children in grades K – 8. All the sessions will be led by knowledgeable university scientists assisted by undergraduate students who are committed to sharing their knowledge and passion for science with the West Georgia children.
Workshops will provide authentic, hands-on learning experiences and encourage creative thinking, development of problem-solving skills and individual exploration of student interests.
IMPACT session themes and topics are interesting, interactive, challenging and give children a chance to meet and have fun with other students who share their interests and enthusiasm for learning.
For more information or to register for a workshop go to https://uwgagenda.westga.edu/impact3.htm.
Fayette Front Page
Georgia Front Page
Arts Across Georgia
The summer sessions will offer a variety of weeklong courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics to children in grades K – 8. All the sessions will be led by knowledgeable university scientists assisted by undergraduate students who are committed to sharing their knowledge and passion for science with the West Georgia children.
Workshops will provide authentic, hands-on learning experiences and encourage creative thinking, development of problem-solving skills and individual exploration of student interests.
IMPACT session themes and topics are interesting, interactive, challenging and give children a chance to meet and have fun with other students who share their interests and enthusiasm for learning.
For more information or to register for a workshop go to https://uwgagenda.westga.edu/impact3.htm.
Fayette Front Page
Georgia Front Page
Arts Across Georgia
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Fayette: Summer Camp for Children at Brooks UMC
The Brooks United Methodist Church Preschool will be hosting four summer camps this summer. There will be two camps in June and two camps in July. Camps are for children ages two through rising second graders. Camp hours are Monday – Thursday from 9:00am – 1:00pm and the cost is $120.00 per camp with half due at registration.
Camp themes are as follows:
June 15 – 18 – At The Farm (registration closes June 8th)
June 22 – 25 – Buggin’ Out (registration closes June 15th)
July 6 – 9 – Under the Sea (registration closes June 29th)
July 20 – 23 – Rainforest Adventure (registration closes July 13th)
Please contact Karina Langford for more information at 770-719-7593.
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Camp themes are as follows:
June 15 – 18 – At The Farm (registration closes June 8th)
June 22 – 25 – Buggin’ Out (registration closes June 15th)
July 6 – 9 – Under the Sea (registration closes June 29th)
July 20 – 23 – Rainforest Adventure (registration closes July 13th)
Please contact Karina Langford for more information at 770-719-7593.
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Friday, May 15, 2009
The Rock Ranch to Host New Event for Youth Groups and Families
R.U.S.H Weekend at The Rock Ranch May 22 and 23
The Rock Ranch, a 1,250-acre cattle ranch owned by Chick-fil-A® founder S. Truett Cathy, will host a 2 day conference for youth groups and families on May 22 and 23. This event offers 2 levels of participation. Youth groups and families interested in attending all 3 sessions spanning Friday and Saturday may call 1-800-991-RUSH to register for $39. The $39 registration includes a t-shirt, a journal, lunch on Saturday, and 3 sessions that include praise music led by the band “Fee”, keynote speakers that include Mark Hall from Casting Crowns, and activities that include dodge ball, paintball, flag football, volleyball and a rock climbing wall. This level of participation is designed to cater to church youth groups. Youth group and family camp sites are also available for reservation by contacting The Rock Ranch at 706 647-6374.
The second level of participation is intended to appeal to individuals and families. Saturday, May 23, The Rock Ranch will open its gates to the public at 6pm to purchase admission tickets for $10. This $10 (per person) admission ticket grants access to the third and final session of R.U.S.H weekend. This session will include a message by speaker Mark Pritchett and a Christian music concert by National recording artist Steve Fee and the band “Fee”. Fee’s music, including hit titles “All Because of Jesus” and “Glorious One”, is often featured on Atlanta radio at Atlanta’s J93.3 and 104.7 The Fish, Columbus radio 103.7 The Truth and 91.3 Family Life Radio in Macon.
Following the concert, there will be a fireworks extravaganza that is also included in the $10 per person admission price.
T-shirts will be sold at the event and The Chuck Wagon Cafe’ and The Rock Country Store will be open and serving concessions and other goodies.
“This is an opportunity to be good stewards of our resources here at The Rock Ranch”, said Jeff Manley, general manager of The Rock Ranch. “We are excited about this partnership and this event that will minister to area youth groups and families.”
The Rock Ranch event Coordinator, Adam Pugh added, “It is always a pleasure to invite families to The Rock Ranch to spend quality time together, but it is especially rewarding to have a group gathered for such a wonderful purpose and with such talented and experienced worship leaders.”
Mark Pritchett, founder of R.U.S.H ministries (an acronym that stands for reaching un-churched students for him) remarked, “I am very pleased that The Rock Ranch has partnered with us in this event – it is a great venue for this purpose. Registration this year has been strong and I am excited about what God will do here both during this event and into the future.”
For a full itinerary and schedule of R.U.S.H Weekend at The Rock Ranch visit www.therockranch.com.
Other Events
In 2008, over 46,000 guests attended The Rock Ranch and enjoyed activities and events like Conestoga Wagon camping, educational school field trips, Fall Family Fun Days, company picnics and special public events like Celebrate America. The Rock Ranch has planned even more family fun for 2009 and a full calendar of events is available at www.therockranch.com.
The next big event at The Rock Ranch is Celebrate America at The Rock Ranch on June 27, 2009. This is the grandest of all family events at The Rock Ranch. 2009 marks the 10th anniversary of this event and there are many new additions. This patriotic event celebrates American Freedom and the men and women who have served and are serving to protect it. There will be a concert featuring national recording artist Andrew Carlton, followed by a fireworks extravaganza that will rival any display in the state. The event will include reptile shows, a master puppeteer and many family attractions. Attractions include rock climbing walls, locomotive train rides, pony rides, hay rides, paddle boats, the grand opening of slide hill, a bungee trampoline, the giant jumping pillow, the watermelon cannon, and much more. There will also be an appearance by the “America I Am” super truck – a traveling black history museum sponsored by Tavis Smiley and Walmart. This event also features a special rubber duck race for charity. The Great American Duck Derby will allow guests to adopt rubber ducks that will race downstream to a finish line where the winning duck owner will win a $5,000 first prize. There is a chance that one lucky participant could win a million dollars. This event will raise money for Stepping Stones Educational Therapy Center for special needs children.
The gates open, for Celebrate America, at 2pm on Saturday June 27 and the event lasts until about 10pm. Admission for this event is only $20 per vehicle, regardless of the number of occupants, and admission includes all standard attractions and entertainment. A wide variety of concessions and merchandise will be sold separately. Admission for buses is $30.
About The Rock Ranch
Initially intended solely to be a working cattle ranch dedicated to pure-bred Brangus cattle operations, The Rock Ranch in 1994, opened its doors for school and church groups, as well as for corporate events and private parties. The ranch further established itself as a public destination in 2006 with the inception of Fall Family Fun Days, themed Saturdays in the fall dedicated to affordable family entertainment.
In much the same way as Truett Cathy has made it his personal mission to teach young people and provide them with good, quality role models; The Rock Ranch seeks to use its setting and its amenities as a way to reinforce many of the values and principles that are vital to the development of character in children. For reservations or directions, contact The Rock Ranch at (706) 647-6374 or visit www.TheRockRanch.com. The Rock Ranch is located just 58 miles from downtown Atlanta, 38 miles north of Macon, and 61 miles northeast of Columbus.
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The Rock Ranch, a 1,250-acre cattle ranch owned by Chick-fil-A® founder S. Truett Cathy, will host a 2 day conference for youth groups and families on May 22 and 23. This event offers 2 levels of participation. Youth groups and families interested in attending all 3 sessions spanning Friday and Saturday may call 1-800-991-RUSH to register for $39. The $39 registration includes a t-shirt, a journal, lunch on Saturday, and 3 sessions that include praise music led by the band “Fee”, keynote speakers that include Mark Hall from Casting Crowns, and activities that include dodge ball, paintball, flag football, volleyball and a rock climbing wall. This level of participation is designed to cater to church youth groups. Youth group and family camp sites are also available for reservation by contacting The Rock Ranch at 706 647-6374.
The second level of participation is intended to appeal to individuals and families. Saturday, May 23, The Rock Ranch will open its gates to the public at 6pm to purchase admission tickets for $10. This $10 (per person) admission ticket grants access to the third and final session of R.U.S.H weekend. This session will include a message by speaker Mark Pritchett and a Christian music concert by National recording artist Steve Fee and the band “Fee”. Fee’s music, including hit titles “All Because of Jesus” and “Glorious One”, is often featured on Atlanta radio at Atlanta’s J93.3 and 104.7 The Fish, Columbus radio 103.7 The Truth and 91.3 Family Life Radio in Macon.
Following the concert, there will be a fireworks extravaganza that is also included in the $10 per person admission price.
T-shirts will be sold at the event and The Chuck Wagon Cafe’ and The Rock Country Store will be open and serving concessions and other goodies.
“This is an opportunity to be good stewards of our resources here at The Rock Ranch”, said Jeff Manley, general manager of The Rock Ranch. “We are excited about this partnership and this event that will minister to area youth groups and families.”
The Rock Ranch event Coordinator, Adam Pugh added, “It is always a pleasure to invite families to The Rock Ranch to spend quality time together, but it is especially rewarding to have a group gathered for such a wonderful purpose and with such talented and experienced worship leaders.”
Mark Pritchett, founder of R.U.S.H ministries (an acronym that stands for reaching un-churched students for him) remarked, “I am very pleased that The Rock Ranch has partnered with us in this event – it is a great venue for this purpose. Registration this year has been strong and I am excited about what God will do here both during this event and into the future.”
For a full itinerary and schedule of R.U.S.H Weekend at The Rock Ranch visit www.therockranch.com.
Other Events
In 2008, over 46,000 guests attended The Rock Ranch and enjoyed activities and events like Conestoga Wagon camping, educational school field trips, Fall Family Fun Days, company picnics and special public events like Celebrate America. The Rock Ranch has planned even more family fun for 2009 and a full calendar of events is available at www.therockranch.com.
The next big event at The Rock Ranch is Celebrate America at The Rock Ranch on June 27, 2009. This is the grandest of all family events at The Rock Ranch. 2009 marks the 10th anniversary of this event and there are many new additions. This patriotic event celebrates American Freedom and the men and women who have served and are serving to protect it. There will be a concert featuring national recording artist Andrew Carlton, followed by a fireworks extravaganza that will rival any display in the state. The event will include reptile shows, a master puppeteer and many family attractions. Attractions include rock climbing walls, locomotive train rides, pony rides, hay rides, paddle boats, the grand opening of slide hill, a bungee trampoline, the giant jumping pillow, the watermelon cannon, and much more. There will also be an appearance by the “America I Am” super truck – a traveling black history museum sponsored by Tavis Smiley and Walmart. This event also features a special rubber duck race for charity. The Great American Duck Derby will allow guests to adopt rubber ducks that will race downstream to a finish line where the winning duck owner will win a $5,000 first prize. There is a chance that one lucky participant could win a million dollars. This event will raise money for Stepping Stones Educational Therapy Center for special needs children.
The gates open, for Celebrate America, at 2pm on Saturday June 27 and the event lasts until about 10pm. Admission for this event is only $20 per vehicle, regardless of the number of occupants, and admission includes all standard attractions and entertainment. A wide variety of concessions and merchandise will be sold separately. Admission for buses is $30.
About The Rock Ranch
Initially intended solely to be a working cattle ranch dedicated to pure-bred Brangus cattle operations, The Rock Ranch in 1994, opened its doors for school and church groups, as well as for corporate events and private parties. The ranch further established itself as a public destination in 2006 with the inception of Fall Family Fun Days, themed Saturdays in the fall dedicated to affordable family entertainment.
In much the same way as Truett Cathy has made it his personal mission to teach young people and provide them with good, quality role models; The Rock Ranch seeks to use its setting and its amenities as a way to reinforce many of the values and principles that are vital to the development of character in children. For reservations or directions, contact The Rock Ranch at (706) 647-6374 or visit www.TheRockRanch.com. The Rock Ranch is located just 58 miles from downtown Atlanta, 38 miles north of Macon, and 61 miles northeast of Columbus.
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Thursday, May 14, 2009
Miss Geranium Festival Pageant May 15 in McDonough
In association with Poise Productions, Queens For Courage would like to invite you to the annual Miss Geranium Festival Pageant. The event will be held at American Legion Post #55, just off the square in McDonough GA, on Friday, May 15. Registration starts at 5:30 p.m. and the Pageant begins at 7:00.
Our new queens will have the opportunity to make an appearance at the 32nd Annual Geranium Festival (www.geraniumfestival.com) on Saturday, May 16.
This is a Queens For Courage fundraiser, and all proceeds will go to providing support and awareness for our Wounded Warriors through the American Legion Heroes To Hometowns Program. Visit www.queensforcourage.org for more information.
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Our new queens will have the opportunity to make an appearance at the 32nd Annual Geranium Festival (www.geraniumfestival.com) on Saturday, May 16.
This is a Queens For Courage fundraiser, and all proceeds will go to providing support and awareness for our Wounded Warriors through the American Legion Heroes To Hometowns Program. Visit www.queensforcourage.org for more information.
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Stories for Children Magazine Announces Amazing but True (nonfiction) Contest
/24-7 / -- For this new annual contest, send Stories for Children Magazine an amazing event or true story (nonfiction) for children. What age group you choose—3 to 6, 7 to 9, or 10 to 12—is up to you, but remember the event or story has to be true and for children, which means no sexual content, violence, or anything related to drugs.
Submissions will be accepted between May 4, 2009, and July 30, 2009.
Who may enter? Adults (18 and older)
Contest Fee: $10
Contest Prizes:
The top article in each age group category will be published in the following months:
Ages 3-6 winner: September SFC issue
Ages 7-9 winner: October SFC issue
Ages 10-12 winner: November SFC issue
The SFC Amazing but True Grand Prize Winner: December SFC issue
In addition to being published in Stories for Children Magazine, all winners will receive a Winner's Certificate and
• SFC Grand Prize: 3 months' membership in the Children's Writers' Coaching Club (an $81 value). For more information visit http://www.cwcoachingclub.com/
• 1st Place in each age group category: a one-year subscription to Children's Writer (a $19 value). For more information visit http://www.childrenswriter.com/
All entries may be considered for publication in Stories for Children Magazine at a future date.
Contest Rules:
Your article must be for one of the following age groups at Stories for Children Magazine:
• DISCOVERY (ages 3-6): Learning about the world around them. WORD COUNT: 150 to 400
• HOW AND WHY (ages 7-9): Understanding the how and why of things. WORD COUNT: 400 to 800
• TELL ME MORE (ages 10-12): Covering the basics and digging deeper for a better understanding of their world. WORD COUNT: 500 to 1200
Your maximum word count, not including your title and byline, may not exceed the word count listed in the age group you choose.
Winners will be selected based on quality and appeal to our readership here at Stories for Children Magazine.
Submission Guidelines:
Any original, unpublished piece not accepted by another publisher at the time of entry is eligible. A $10 contest entry fee is required.
All submissions must be emailed as Word.doc attachments to SFCcontests@StoriesForChildrenMagazine.org by midnight July 30, 2009, with "Amazing, But True Contest Submission" in the subject line. We are unable to open RTF or DOCX files.
Your name, contact information, word count, and date of submission should be in the top right-hand corner of your attached entry. Your title should be one-third of the way down the first page, with your byline directly underneath the title. If you are using a pen name, please indicate this in a cover letter. Use only Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font. All submissions must be single-spaced with no indentations and a blank line to indicate paragraphs.
An invoice will be sent via PayPal for the contest fee of $10.
No mail-in entries will be accepted.
No acknowledgement of receipt of entries will be sent.
Multiple entries are allowed, but must be sent in separate emails. Each entry must include a separate entry fee.
Entries that do not follow submission and format guidelines may be disqualified.
SFC staff members will serve as contest judges and are ineligible to enter.
Be sure to check out the May 2009 issue of SFC Magazine for the magnificent articles and stories, and Dave Manousos' Featured Guest Author interview.
Learn more about Stories for Children Magazine at: http://storiesforchildrenmagazine.org .
Please research all information and any organization prior to donating or contacting. The Georgia Front Page and the Fayette Front Page share information as provided from a variety of sources. We do not necessarily support, endorse or research the legitimacy of the various organization's information prior to including. We can not be held responsible for the reliability of the information or outcomes if you choose to donate or follow up with the organization (s).
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Arts Across Georgia
Submissions will be accepted between May 4, 2009, and July 30, 2009.
Who may enter? Adults (18 and older)
Contest Fee: $10
Contest Prizes:
The top article in each age group category will be published in the following months:
Ages 3-6 winner: September SFC issue
Ages 7-9 winner: October SFC issue
Ages 10-12 winner: November SFC issue
The SFC Amazing but True Grand Prize Winner: December SFC issue
In addition to being published in Stories for Children Magazine, all winners will receive a Winner's Certificate and
• SFC Grand Prize: 3 months' membership in the Children's Writers' Coaching Club (an $81 value). For more information visit http://www.cwcoachingclub.com/
• 1st Place in each age group category: a one-year subscription to Children's Writer (a $19 value). For more information visit http://www.childrenswriter.com/
All entries may be considered for publication in Stories for Children Magazine at a future date.
Contest Rules:
Your article must be for one of the following age groups at Stories for Children Magazine:
• DISCOVERY (ages 3-6): Learning about the world around them. WORD COUNT: 150 to 400
• HOW AND WHY (ages 7-9): Understanding the how and why of things. WORD COUNT: 400 to 800
• TELL ME MORE (ages 10-12): Covering the basics and digging deeper for a better understanding of their world. WORD COUNT: 500 to 1200
Your maximum word count, not including your title and byline, may not exceed the word count listed in the age group you choose.
Winners will be selected based on quality and appeal to our readership here at Stories for Children Magazine.
Submission Guidelines:
Any original, unpublished piece not accepted by another publisher at the time of entry is eligible. A $10 contest entry fee is required.
All submissions must be emailed as Word.doc attachments to SFCcontests@StoriesForChildrenMagazine.org by midnight July 30, 2009, with "Amazing, But True Contest Submission" in the subject line. We are unable to open RTF or DOCX files.
Your name, contact information, word count, and date of submission should be in the top right-hand corner of your attached entry. Your title should be one-third of the way down the first page, with your byline directly underneath the title. If you are using a pen name, please indicate this in a cover letter. Use only Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font. All submissions must be single-spaced with no indentations and a blank line to indicate paragraphs.
An invoice will be sent via PayPal for the contest fee of $10.
No mail-in entries will be accepted.
No acknowledgement of receipt of entries will be sent.
Multiple entries are allowed, but must be sent in separate emails. Each entry must include a separate entry fee.
Entries that do not follow submission and format guidelines may be disqualified.
SFC staff members will serve as contest judges and are ineligible to enter.
Be sure to check out the May 2009 issue of SFC Magazine for the magnificent articles and stories, and Dave Manousos' Featured Guest Author interview.
Learn more about Stories for Children Magazine at: http://storiesforchildrenmagazine.org .
Please research all information and any organization prior to donating or contacting. The Georgia Front Page and the Fayette Front Page share information as provided from a variety of sources. We do not necessarily support, endorse or research the legitimacy of the various organization's information prior to including. We can not be held responsible for the reliability of the information or outcomes if you choose to donate or follow up with the organization (s).
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009
PTC First Presbyterian Registration for Vacation Bible School Open

Plan now to attend SonRock Kids Camp 2009 at Peachtree City First Presbyterian Church. Registration is now open for the June 22-26 Vacation Bible School. During this summer camp adventure, children from rising Kindergarten through rising 5th graders will learn about how our lives are built on the rock - Jesus.
Don't delay. Space is limited.
Visit the church Welcome Center for a registration form, or download one at firstpresptc.com .
For more information contact the church at 770-487-7757.
Details at a glance:
SonRock Kids Camp 2009
June 22-26
9 am- 12 pm
First Presbyterian Church
206 Willowbend Rd across from City Hall
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Friday, May 8, 2009
Kids Fishing Events Scheduled for Spring and Summer
Looking for a way to spend more time with a child or grandchild this summer? Introduce them to fishing. Research shows that most people are introduced to fishing by a family member, and most consider a family member to be their best fishing friend.
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division encourages adults, especially those with little or no angling experience, to introduce a child to fishing at one of the many statewide kids fishing events scheduled this spring and summer.
“Kids fishing events are popular community activities that introduce youth and their families to the joys of fishing, and promote a better understanding of the natural environment,” says John Biagi, Wildlife Resources Division chief of Fisheries Management. “These events provide an opportunity for youth to fish, often for the first time, with assistance from experienced volunteers and in places where the probability of catching a fish is high.”
Kids fishing events are sponsored across the state and provide fishing lessons to both children (under age 16) and parents from knowledgeable instructors. The Wildlife Resources Division co-sponsors most events by providing channel catfish and trout to improve fishing, educational materials for participants and guidance for sponsors.
“Lessons about life and the importance of nature are often learned and passed between generations while fishing. Fishing provides that rare time when you and your child can relax and talk,” says Biagi. “Children who are introduced to fishing today are more likely to continue fishing as adults. In fact, 85 percent of today’s freshwater anglers began fishing before they turned 13. In contrast, only eight percent took up fishing as adults – so take them fishing today!”
Organizers of events can provide first-time anglers with a special award certificate downloadable from www.gofishgeorgia.com .
For more information on kids fishing events, including how to host one, tips on fishing with children and a calendar listing events, visit www.gofishgeorgia.com .
Take Me Fishing! ™ A recent national survey indicated that 87 percent of Americans believe fishing and boating have a positive effect on family relationships. So take your family fishing and you will always have something in common.
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The Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division encourages adults, especially those with little or no angling experience, to introduce a child to fishing at one of the many statewide kids fishing events scheduled this spring and summer.
“Kids fishing events are popular community activities that introduce youth and their families to the joys of fishing, and promote a better understanding of the natural environment,” says John Biagi, Wildlife Resources Division chief of Fisheries Management. “These events provide an opportunity for youth to fish, often for the first time, with assistance from experienced volunteers and in places where the probability of catching a fish is high.”
Kids fishing events are sponsored across the state and provide fishing lessons to both children (under age 16) and parents from knowledgeable instructors. The Wildlife Resources Division co-sponsors most events by providing channel catfish and trout to improve fishing, educational materials for participants and guidance for sponsors.
“Lessons about life and the importance of nature are often learned and passed between generations while fishing. Fishing provides that rare time when you and your child can relax and talk,” says Biagi. “Children who are introduced to fishing today are more likely to continue fishing as adults. In fact, 85 percent of today’s freshwater anglers began fishing before they turned 13. In contrast, only eight percent took up fishing as adults – so take them fishing today!”
Organizers of events can provide first-time anglers with a special award certificate downloadable from www.gofishgeorgia.com .
For more information on kids fishing events, including how to host one, tips on fishing with children and a calendar listing events, visit www.gofishgeorgia.com .
Take Me Fishing! ™ A recent national survey indicated that 87 percent of Americans believe fishing and boating have a positive effect on family relationships. So take your family fishing and you will always have something in common.
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Thursday, May 7, 2009
Depression in Adolescents: What Parents Need To Know
(StatePoint) Adolescence is a challenging time that is full of changes, during which some teenagers may experience a debilitating illness known as depression. It is important for parents to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of this condition, and to know that help is available.
Dr. Graham Emslie, professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and chief of child and adolescent psychiatry at Children's Medical Center Dallas, answers some very important questions about depression in adolescents.
Q: What is depression and can anyone have it?
A: Depression is a serious, but treatable chronic condition often characterized by prolonged sadness, or irritability or loss of interest in usual activities. Both adults and adolescents can suffer from depression. In fact, approximately two million adolescents in the U.S. aged 12 to 17 suffered a serious bout of depression in the past year. The good news is that working with a professional to develop a treatment plan can help many patients improve.
Q: My teenager sometimes acts "sad;" should I be concerned?
A: Everyone gets sad sometimes - a brief "blue mood," disappointments, grief after losing a loved one - but with depression, you can't just "snap out of it." If the sadness, or irritability or loss of interest in usual activities that your son or daughter is experiencing lasts two weeks or more, you should speak to a healthcare professional to determine if they have a more serious condition.
Q: What are some signs and symptoms of depression in teens that I should be on the lookout for?
A: It is important to keep in mind that symptoms of depression may differ from person to person. You should however keep your eye out for any signs of persistent sadness, irritability or loss of interest in usual activities in your son or daughter. For example, a teen's performance at school may suddenly decline, or he or she may lose interest in hanging out with friends. Your teenager may also visit the school nurse more often than usual, and they may get more involved in physical fights. Some other symptoms to watch for are sleep problems, appetite changes, general energy loss, concentration problems and hopeless or guilty thoughts.
Q: What can I do if I notice these signs and symptoms; and what would treatment entail?
A: More than 70 percent of children and adolescents with depressive disorder or other serious mood disorders do not receive appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Left untreated, depression in adolescents can have devastating consequences. If you notice your teenager may be experiencing symptoms of depression, you should speak to a healthcare professional to determine if they have a more serious condition. For adolescents who suffer from depression, talk therapy and medication can play important roles in the management of their illness. It is important to speak with your healthcare professional about the best approach for your son or daughter. Your healthcare professional will work with both of you to develop a treatment plan, and can also provide information about treatments that have been shown to be effective for depression in adolescents.
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Dr. Graham Emslie, professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and chief of child and adolescent psychiatry at Children's Medical Center Dallas, answers some very important questions about depression in adolescents.
Q: What is depression and can anyone have it?
A: Depression is a serious, but treatable chronic condition often characterized by prolonged sadness, or irritability or loss of interest in usual activities. Both adults and adolescents can suffer from depression. In fact, approximately two million adolescents in the U.S. aged 12 to 17 suffered a serious bout of depression in the past year. The good news is that working with a professional to develop a treatment plan can help many patients improve.
Q: My teenager sometimes acts "sad;" should I be concerned?
A: Everyone gets sad sometimes - a brief "blue mood," disappointments, grief after losing a loved one - but with depression, you can't just "snap out of it." If the sadness, or irritability or loss of interest in usual activities that your son or daughter is experiencing lasts two weeks or more, you should speak to a healthcare professional to determine if they have a more serious condition.
Q: What are some signs and symptoms of depression in teens that I should be on the lookout for?
A: It is important to keep in mind that symptoms of depression may differ from person to person. You should however keep your eye out for any signs of persistent sadness, irritability or loss of interest in usual activities in your son or daughter. For example, a teen's performance at school may suddenly decline, or he or she may lose interest in hanging out with friends. Your teenager may also visit the school nurse more often than usual, and they may get more involved in physical fights. Some other symptoms to watch for are sleep problems, appetite changes, general energy loss, concentration problems and hopeless or guilty thoughts.
Q: What can I do if I notice these signs and symptoms; and what would treatment entail?
A: More than 70 percent of children and adolescents with depressive disorder or other serious mood disorders do not receive appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Left untreated, depression in adolescents can have devastating consequences. If you notice your teenager may be experiencing symptoms of depression, you should speak to a healthcare professional to determine if they have a more serious condition. For adolescents who suffer from depression, talk therapy and medication can play important roles in the management of their illness. It is important to speak with your healthcare professional about the best approach for your son or daughter. Your healthcare professional will work with both of you to develop a treatment plan, and can also provide information about treatments that have been shown to be effective for depression in adolescents.
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Families meet children in-person or by videoconference at adoption event
Prospective adoptive families will have an opportunity to meet approximately 20 children, each with the hope of finding a permanent family, at an adoption gathering on Saturday, May 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Jim Huie Recreation Center in Jonesboro.
Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR) Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS), this event will give prospective adoptive parents a unique opportunity to meet the children in a comfortable, fun-filled environment. Families who are unable to attend the gathering in Jonesboro may still interact with this same group of children via video on Saturday, May 9, from 10 a.m. to noon. Videoconference sites will be set up at Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, Brown & Gallo in Augusta, Macon State College and Valdosta State University.
“This is a great event for children in Georgia who are in need of adoptive families and for those who want to impact a child’s life,” said Mark Washington, assistant commissioner of DHR. “Special arrangements have been made so that some of our children with special needs, those in a wheelchair or others with developmental delays are also able to attend.”
There are approximately 2,200 children in Georgia who need adoptive families. They are typically 8 years old and older, African American and/or a member of a sibling group being placed together.
Families interested in adopting older children or learning more about the program are encouraged to attend either the event in Jonesboro or one of the videoconference sites. To avoid confusion, only children in need of adoptive families should attend the adoption gathering. Families who plan to attend one of the videoconference sites are more than welcome to bring their children.
For more information, call toll-free 877- 242-5774 or visit DHR’s website at www.dfcs.dhr.georgia.gov/adoptions.
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Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR) Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS), this event will give prospective adoptive parents a unique opportunity to meet the children in a comfortable, fun-filled environment. Families who are unable to attend the gathering in Jonesboro may still interact with this same group of children via video on Saturday, May 9, from 10 a.m. to noon. Videoconference sites will be set up at Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, Brown & Gallo in Augusta, Macon State College and Valdosta State University.
“This is a great event for children in Georgia who are in need of adoptive families and for those who want to impact a child’s life,” said Mark Washington, assistant commissioner of DHR. “Special arrangements have been made so that some of our children with special needs, those in a wheelchair or others with developmental delays are also able to attend.”
There are approximately 2,200 children in Georgia who need adoptive families. They are typically 8 years old and older, African American and/or a member of a sibling group being placed together.
Families interested in adopting older children or learning more about the program are encouraged to attend either the event in Jonesboro or one of the videoconference sites. To avoid confusion, only children in need of adoptive families should attend the adoption gathering. Families who plan to attend one of the videoconference sites are more than welcome to bring their children.
For more information, call toll-free 877- 242-5774 or visit DHR’s website at www.dfcs.dhr.georgia.gov/adoptions.
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Parents, Kids Invited to Kids Korral at Annual Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure
/PRNewswire/ -- Bright Starts, a registered trademark of Kids II, Inc. will host the first Bright Starts Kids for the Cure Korral at the 19th Annual Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure this Saturday, May 9 at Atlantic Station in Midtown Atlanta, Ga. Parents and kids who participate in the race can get a refreshing drink as they enjoy fun activities like carnival games, caricature sketches and prize drawings in this special expo area.
Participants can also stop by the expo area to nominate someone for the annual Bright Starts Pink Power Mom(TM) contest. This contest selects eight women who have survived breast cancer and used their experience to make a difference in the lives of others who are also affected by the disease. Each Bright Starts Pink Power Mom(TM) will receive a prize package which includes a $5,000 donation to the charity of her choice. Nominations will also be accepted online at www.pinkpowermom.com through June and winners will be announced at the end of August.
In addition to conducting the annual Bright Starts Pink Power Mom(TM) contest, Bright Starts also contributes a portion of the proceeds from the sale of its popular Pretty in Pink Collection to breast cancer research. These toys and baby gear were created to help give baby girls a brighter tomorrow with every purchase. Items include the Bounce-A-Bout(TM) Activity Center, Cradling Bouncer, Swing Anywhere(TM) Portable Swing and the Tummy Cruiser(TM) Prop & Play Mat among others.
"This year we really wanted to do something a little more special around the Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure event," said Kids II Vice President of Marketing Miles Bohannan. "We feel strongly that we have accomplished that with our sponsorship of the Kids Korral. It's a perfect way for our company to make a meaningful contribution to this incredibly important fundraising event in Atlanta. We applaud Komen Atlanta's dedication to finding a cure and proudly support this year's Race for the Cure."
The Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure is Georgia's largest and most successful education and fundraising event for breast cancer. Since its inception in 1991, the Atlanta affiliate has raised more than $19 million for breast cancer research, local grassroots organizations, community agencies and support groups to help provide assistance to breast cancer patients and their families.
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Participants can also stop by the expo area to nominate someone for the annual Bright Starts Pink Power Mom(TM) contest. This contest selects eight women who have survived breast cancer and used their experience to make a difference in the lives of others who are also affected by the disease. Each Bright Starts Pink Power Mom(TM) will receive a prize package which includes a $5,000 donation to the charity of her choice. Nominations will also be accepted online at www.pinkpowermom.com through June and winners will be announced at the end of August.
In addition to conducting the annual Bright Starts Pink Power Mom(TM) contest, Bright Starts also contributes a portion of the proceeds from the sale of its popular Pretty in Pink Collection to breast cancer research. These toys and baby gear were created to help give baby girls a brighter tomorrow with every purchase. Items include the Bounce-A-Bout(TM) Activity Center, Cradling Bouncer, Swing Anywhere(TM) Portable Swing and the Tummy Cruiser(TM) Prop & Play Mat among others.
"This year we really wanted to do something a little more special around the Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure event," said Kids II Vice President of Marketing Miles Bohannan. "We feel strongly that we have accomplished that with our sponsorship of the Kids Korral. It's a perfect way for our company to make a meaningful contribution to this incredibly important fundraising event in Atlanta. We applaud Komen Atlanta's dedication to finding a cure and proudly support this year's Race for the Cure."
The Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure is Georgia's largest and most successful education and fundraising event for breast cancer. Since its inception in 1991, the Atlanta affiliate has raised more than $19 million for breast cancer research, local grassroots organizations, community agencies and support groups to help provide assistance to breast cancer patients and their families.
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Monday, May 4, 2009
NASA Connects Atlanta Students to Astronauts on Space Station
/PRNewswire / -- Students from the Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy in Atlanta will participate in an out-of-this-world learning experience on Tuesday, May 5, when they receive a call from astronauts aboard the International Space Station. The downlink will air live worldwide on NASA Television and also be available on NASA's Web site. This is the second event of its kind to be held in the state of Georgia.
A live in-flight education downlink with the crew will take place between 11:15 a.m. and 11:35 a.m. EDT at the Fernbank Science Center in DeKalb County. The 20-minute question-and-answer event will feature astronauts Mike Barratt and Koichi Wakata, who are flight engineers aboard the Expedition 19 mission to the station.
Students and teachers are preparing for the downlink by visiting the NASA Web site to learn about the station, crew members, mission objectives and science experiments. Following the event, students will engage in hands-on activities, such as a robotic space mission challenge and rocket building.
NASA's education downlinks support the agency's efforts to encourage students to study and pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM. These events, which NASA's Teaching from Space Office facilitate, use the unique experience of human spaceflight to promote and enhance STEM education.
Fernbank Science Center is part of NASA's Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Aerospace Academy program known as SEMAA. SEMAA is a national, innovative project designed to increase participation and retention of historically underserved and underrepresented kindergarten through 12th grade youth in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
"We're excited about this extraordinary learning experience to inspire SEMAA students' interest in STEM careers," said Jo Ann Charleston, chief of the Educational Programs Office at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. "Stimulating interest in these disciplines helps NASA develop the next generation of scientists and engineers who will take us back to the moon, on to Mars and beyond."
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A live in-flight education downlink with the crew will take place between 11:15 a.m. and 11:35 a.m. EDT at the Fernbank Science Center in DeKalb County. The 20-minute question-and-answer event will feature astronauts Mike Barratt and Koichi Wakata, who are flight engineers aboard the Expedition 19 mission to the station.
Students and teachers are preparing for the downlink by visiting the NASA Web site to learn about the station, crew members, mission objectives and science experiments. Following the event, students will engage in hands-on activities, such as a robotic space mission challenge and rocket building.
NASA's education downlinks support the agency's efforts to encourage students to study and pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM. These events, which NASA's Teaching from Space Office facilitate, use the unique experience of human spaceflight to promote and enhance STEM education.
Fernbank Science Center is part of NASA's Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Aerospace Academy program known as SEMAA. SEMAA is a national, innovative project designed to increase participation and retention of historically underserved and underrepresented kindergarten through 12th grade youth in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
"We're excited about this extraordinary learning experience to inspire SEMAA students' interest in STEM careers," said Jo Ann Charleston, chief of the Educational Programs Office at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. "Stimulating interest in these disciplines helps NASA develop the next generation of scientists and engineers who will take us back to the moon, on to Mars and beyond."
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